
SR-602 module "bad sensitivity" problem


This is an SR602 PIR motion sensor.
Module "seems to have" bad sensitivity. Some internet users also report sr602 sensing problems.
Problem: from the random  (BS612) datasheet we read "A voltage applied to the SENS input sets the threshold used to detect a PIR signal between the PIRIN and NPIRIN inputs. VSS selects the minimum threshold voltage. When the SENS pin grounded, the threshold voltage is least and the PIR signal detection sensitivity is highest. Any voltage above VDD/2 will select the maximum threshold which is the least sensitive setting for PIR signal detection. "

For the best possible sensitivity, just short to ground  pin 5 of BS612 or similar. Problem solved.
Now the sensor works very well

More careful sensitivity control might be achieved by forming a voltage divider following the datasheet table on page 6:


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